Saturday, November 21, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football?!

Min had an early football game this morning so I was able to watch him play (most days Min's and Joo's games are at the same time and I go with her). Min had a great game today and was given the star player of the game award, which is a mini-football helmet. He had 3-4 "tackles" (pulling the flag) on defense, played center and was involved in some good running plays on offense.

Happy Thanksgiving

The kindergarten classes at Joo's school put on a Thanksgiving program yesterday for the parents and then everyone enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast afterwards. The program was super cute and the feast was delicious. Each student said what they were thankful for and when it was Joo's turn, she said she is thankful for her teacher, Mrs. J. No surprise there since she has told us she wants to live with her.
This was the Friday before the Ohio State-Michigan game so Mr. Cash is doing his best Jim Tressel impression with the sweater vest. For those of you who don't know, Jim Tressel is Ohio State's football coach and always wears a sweater vest on game day.

Lego Building

The Lego Store at Downtown Disney is building a new life-size Buzz Lightyear Lego statue on the outside of their store. As part of the Brickmaster Club, Min was invited to help build a part of it. Once he completed his part, he received a certificate and a special Buzz Lightyear Lego Brick. Here is a picture of Min building his part and Buzz Lightyear so far.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fall sports

The fall sports season has begun for the kids. Joo is doing cheerleading once again and Min is playing flag football. Today was the first game for both. Joo's squad cheered for the basketball
team this morning. Here are some pictures of her cheering during halftime:

I apologize for the picture quality, I had to use my iphone to take the pictures.

I didn't get pictures of Min in his game yet, but I will post some as soon as I get them. His team lost their first game, but some of the players have missed practice and the game so we will see how they do when everyone is on the same page. The season lasts until January 23 and then the winter season starts so it will be a busy few months for our family.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat

Halloween was another record breaking hot day in O-town. We had to trick or treat later than usual since we were waiting for the sun to go down so the it would cool down a bit. Min was a ninja and Joo was Belle. We just stayed in our neighborhood but the kids managed to get full bags of candy. Here is a picture of Joo with all of her loot (she is eating a piece of candy, hence the face). Min's orthodontist is giving kids $1 per pound of candy so Min is cashing in his candy for money. He got about 5-6 pounds to turn in. Pretty good for one hour of trick or treating. Let's hope a new month brings an end to the heat wave.